Water banking is an important part of Kern Delta Water District’s water management program. The ability to bank both District supplies and water made available through third party banking agreements is key to the District’s long-term sustainability efforts. The District currently banks water in approximately 800 acres of spreading basins throughout the District (see pictures below). The District is continually looking for opportunities to develop additional water banking facilities as a District or via partnerships.
- Digiorgio Recharge Facility (Howard Frick Groundwater Recharge Facility)
- Romero Recharge Facility
- Kern Island Recharge Facility
- Stonefield Recharge Facility
- Stine Recharge Facility
- Branch 1 Recharge Facility
- I5 and Bear Mountain Recharge Facility
- Buena Vista Recharge Facility
Pictures provided courtesy of District Board Member Fred Garone