Office Remodel Progress
The District office underwent an extensive remodel and addition project from June 2020 into April of 2021. Below are some pictures of the remodel process.
- Completed Exterior – Side View
- Completed Exterior – Front View
- New Drought Tolerant Landscaping
- New Front Desk
- Temporary Offices
- Temporary Access from Ramos Ave
- Exterior as of February 5, 2021
- Installation of cabinetry
- Installation of plumbing
- Exterior as of the end of 2020
- Exterior as of the end of 2020
- Entry Walkway from Taft Highway
- Parking Lot Curbing
- Exterior Siding
- Roofing Material
- Exterior October 16, 2020
- Exterior October 16, 2020
- Exterior October 16, 2020
- New Boardroom Wall
- East of Boardroom
- Fire Water and Ducts in Boardroom
- Outside Lighting
- Interior Wall Framing
- Interior Wall Framing
- Interior Wall Framing
- Interior Wall Framing
- Assembling the Framing
- Framing the Exterior Walls
- Framing the Exterior Walls
- Framing the Exterior Walls
- Setting Structural Steel
- Setting Structural Steel
- Marking of New Foundation
- Marking of New Foundation
- Excavation of Footings
- Pouring of Concrete Footings
- Slab on Grade Concrete Finishing
- Slab on Grade Concrete Finishing
- Slab on Grade Concrete Finishing
- Installation of New Septic Tank
- Demolition and Removal of Exterior Facade
- Demolition and Removal of Exterior Facade
- Demolition and Removal of Exterior Facade
- Demolition and Removal of Exterior Facade
- Demolition of Front Offices
- Demolition of Front Offices
- Demolition of Front Offices
- Demolition of Front Offices – View From Board Room
- Demolition of Front Offices – Looking Towards Dispatch Office
- Installation of Fire Water Line
- After First Day of Excavation
- One Week of Excavation and Compaction
- After Excavation and Compaction
- After First Day of Excavation
- One Week of Excavation and Compaction
- After Excavation and Compaction
- After First Day of Excavation – From Ramos Avenue
- One Week of Excavation and Compaction
- After Excavation and Compaction
- After First Day of Excavation – East side of building
- One Week of Excavation and Compaction