Kern River Status Update
Lake Isabella has received 3.38″ of precipitation since October 1, 2020. With the low DWR forecast (see below) Utility and State Water Project (SWP) water for the Kern Island, Buena Vista, Stine, and Farmers service areas will be prorated over the summer. Estimated amounts for Utility and SWP prorations will be released after DWR publishes their April 1 Bulletin 120 forecast.
DWR released their March 1 Bulletin 120 (B-120) forecast for the 2021 April through July runoff of the Kern River. The March 1 forecast for this year is 29% of average. This forecast is based on observed conditions and physical measurements through the end of February and assumes normal precipitation after. Every day that there isn’t precipitation will cause the forecast to go down.
The Water Association of Kern County will be hosting a webinar with David Serafini, P.E., G.E., who is the Geosciences Branch Chief for the SPD Dam Safety Production Center and is a Registered Geotechnical Engineer in the State of California. He currently serves as the Lead Engineer for the Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project. Serafini will provide a brief project review of the Isabella Dam. He will give an overview of modifications to the main dam, auxiliary dam, service spillway and new emergency spillway. He will also address the Phase ll Construction highlights and status for each feature. The webinar will be at noon on March 15. Registration information will be made available later on Water Association of Kern County’s website. |