Kern River Status Update
The 2023 Water Year continues to be historic, with Lake Isabella receiving 19.06 inches of precipitation since October 1, 2022. The final California Department of Water Resources (DWR) water supply forecast update of the season predicts 382% of normal April – July runoff on the Kern River, and a 100% allocation for State Water Project (SWP) supply.
The District does not anticipate prorations this year in the Kern Island service area, and we expect Utility and Transfer water to be available in the Eastside, Stine, Farmers, and Buena Vista service areas through August and possibly beyond. All connected water users are encouraged to utilize surface supplies throughout the District. Utility and Transfer Water for all District service areas during 2023 will be $24 an acre-foot.
However, please note that if individual canals or laterals reach their flow capacities throughout the season, it may be necessary to delay orders. Our District staff will keep you informed of any changes in water supplies and we ask for your cooperation and patience during this process.
Reminder, you may place your water order via email. Water orders must still be placed no later than 10:30 a.m., and twenty four (24) hours prior to the requested delivery or shutoff. Water orders can be sent to and a confirmation email will be sent once it has been received.
The Water Association of Kern County will be hosting a lunch and discussion on Tuesday, July 25 at 11:30 AM in the Bakersfield College Renegade Event Center. The presenter will be the Kern River Watermaster Mark Mulkay who will be presenting on Water Year Precipitation, Runoff Forecasts, and Isabella Storage. Follow this link for more details. |