Kern River Status Update
The Kern Island, Eastside, Stine, and Buena Vista canal systems are in operation in order to meet powerflow obligations. Any grower with demand should contact our Operations Department.
On Thursday, the Department of Water Resources published its first update to their Bulletin B-120 forecast for the year. This updated forecast now predicts that the April through July runoff for the Kern River will be around 176% of normal. This forecast is based on observed conditions through February 14.
Last month water applications for 2023 went out to all water users. Growers are encouraged to review these applications to ensure the information we have on file is correct. A fillable form version of the cover page can be found on our website here (Simply complete, print, and include with your application). If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to our Operations Department at (661) 834-4653 and speak to Cindy or email her at We ask that growers complete the applications and submit them as soon as possible. |